平面設計 / UI設計 / 網頁開發 / APP開發 / Admin工作
3年經驗的平面/UXUI設計師 - 風格靈活簡潔創新
語言: 中文 (廣東話) / 英文 / 中文 (普通話)
來自: 香港
時薪: HKD110/小時Redesigned the Amazon Shopping app - Re-envisioning shipping options and consumer behaviors to promote sustainability in online shopping experiences.
https://www.ashleysiu.space/amazonSleepless Collective Leading and orchestrating creative processes in visual design, branding, marketing, social media, overall presentation, and dance artistry.
https://www.ashleysiu.space/sleepless-collectiveSleepless Collective Leading and orchestrating creative processes in visual design, branding, marketing, social media, overall presentation, and dance artistry.
https://www.ashleysiu.space/sleepless-collectiveSleepless Collective Leading and orchestrating creative processes in visual design, branding, marketing, social media, overall presentation, and dance artistry.
https://www.ashleysiu.space/sleepless-collectiveSleepless Collective Leading and orchestrating creative processes in visual design, branding, marketing, social media, overall presentation, and dance artistry.
https://www.ashleysiu.space/sleepless-collectiveSleepless Collective Leading and orchestrating creative processes in visual design, branding, marketing, social media, overall presentation, and dance artistry.