網頁開發 / UI設計 / 平面設計
Web Design
語言: 中文 (廣東話) / 中文 (普通話) / 英文
來自: 香港
時薪: HKD300/小時Epic Digital Solutions Limited provides a wide range of digital services including web deisgn, web development, UI/UX, mobile app, Video editing to Hong Kong enterprises.
http://www.epic.com.hkEpic Digital Solutions Limited provides a wide range of digital services including web deisgn, web development, UI/UX, mobile app, Video editing to Hong Kong enterprises.
http://www.epic.com.hkEpic Digital Solutions Limited provides a wide range of digital services including web deisgn, web development, UI/UX, mobile app, Video editing to Hong Kong enterprises.
http://www.epic.com.hkEpic Digital Solutions Limited provides a wide range of digital services including web deisgn, web development, UI/UX, mobile app, Video editing to Hong Kong enterprises.
http://www.epic.com.hkEpic Digital Solutions Limited provides a wide range of digital services including web deisgn, web development, UI/UX, mobile app, Video editing to Hong Kong enterprises.