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Full-Stack Software Engineer
語言: 中文 (廣東話) / 中文 (普通話) / 英文
來自: 香港
時薪: HKD300/小時It is a tailor-made student learning center as an individual project with NextJS. It is AI-driven, distributed into microservices. It is like Moodle, and it allows students to read notes, videos uploaded by teachers, take quizes etc. Also it supports teacher mode, that teachers can dynamically add or edit courses, notes, quizes etc, and use AI to cut videos, generate quizes etc.
https://lecclipper-eee.polyu.edu.hk/It is a tailor-made student learning center as an individual project with NextJS. It is AI-driven, distributed into microservices. It is like Moodle, and it allows students to read notes, videos uploaded by teachers, take quizes etc. Also it supports teacher mode, that teachers can dynamically add or edit courses, notes, quizes etc, and use AI to cut videos, generate quizes etc.