
Andy Kwok

Full Stack Developer for web and cross platform mobile apps

語言: 中文 (廣東話) / 中文 (普通話) / 英文

來自: 香港

時薪: HKD100/小時


I'm a full-stack developer experienced in building web and mobile apps for small and medium-sized businesses. I will use the latest technologies to make your company's web and app presence professional from start to finish. I genuinely care about your business and will fulfill your personalized requirements to help it succeed. Major Skills: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js (MERN) React Native for highly scalable and interactive web and cross-platform applications to promote your business. Other Skills: C++, C#, Python, and other programming languages to fulfill your needs. I will regularly listen to your needs and keep you updated on the progress of your project.


Web and mobile app