影片拍攝/剪接 / 攝影
Editing, simple animation, simple video shooting
語言: 中文 (廣東話) / 中文 (普通話) / 英文
來自: 香港
時薪: HKD100/小時Fai, a workaholic, gets covid and is forced to stay at home for quarantine. VFX Artist and Cinematographer
https://youtu.be/FN4OXAzbXeYEddy, a son of dai pai doong owners trying to strike a work life balance. Editor and Cinematographer
https://youtu.be/hjWsI1kvMdwBefore the audition for the master class, Shing practices hard and ends up with an injured hand. Editor
https://youtu.be/-oiVuCwpmVsOn Joyce's birthday, her dear grandpa was taken to the hospital. Cinematographer