平面設計 / UI設計 / 網頁開發 / APP開發 / 攝影


我專注於零售市場的全方位解決方案,從產品拍攝到銷售網站的設計與實現,以及小册子catalog ,海報,展覽板等平面設計,確保每一步都能吸引消費者

語言: 中文 (廣東話) / 英文

來自: 香港

時薪: HKD200/小時


我們的團隊提供一站式服務,幫助你建立獨立的銷售網站,包括產品拍攝與銷售策劃,並提供每月更新及維護服務。此外,網站建設後,你的員工能輕鬆自行修改內容。我們在應用程式視覺設計與網頁互動設計方面擁有豐富的經驗,確保你的品牌形象與用戶體驗達到最佳效果。如果您有興趣,請聯絡68395949。 Our team offers a one-stop service to help you build an independent sales website, including product photography and sales strategy, along with monthly updates and maintenance. After the website is built, your staff can easily make modifications. We also have extensive experience in app visual design and web interaction design, ensuring your brand image and user experience are optimized to their fullest potential. If you're interested, please contact 68395949.


B2B website

I previously worked with an eco-friendly materials company, where I combined product photography with AI-generated imagery to create a professional B2B website. I implemented SEO strategies and provided well-crafted copy to enhance communication on the site. Additionally, I designed product pages that thoroughly showcased product features, attracting potential customers and improving search rankings. 我曾與一家環保材料公司合作,結合產品攝影和AI生成圖像技術,創建了一個專業的B2B網站。我實施了SEO策略並提供精心撰寫的文案,以強化網站的溝通效果。此外,我設計了詳細介紹產品性能的產品頁面,吸引潛在客戶並提升了搜索排名。


B2B website

I previously worked with an eco-friendly materials company, where I combined product photography with AI-generated imagery to create a professional B2B website. I implemented SEO strategies and provided well-crafted copy to enhance communication on the site. Additionally, I designed product pages that thoroughly showcased product features, attracting potential customers and improving search rankings. 我曾與一家環保材料公司合作,結合產品攝影和AI生成圖像技術,創建了一個專業的B2B網站。我實施了SEO策略並提供精心撰寫的文案,以強化網站的溝通效果。此外,我設計了詳細介紹產品性能的產品頁面,吸引潛在客戶並提升了搜索排名。



此項目是為一個國際雜誌設計Web端及微信小程序。我們專注於創建引人入勝的閱讀體驗,並確保界面簡潔易用,以促進用戶的內容探索。設計過程中,我們深度分析目標受眾,並整合多媒體元素,以增強雜誌的吸引力和互動性。 This project involved designing the web platform and WeChat mini-program for an international magazine. We focused on creating an engaging reading experience, ensuring the interface is clean and user-friendly to facilitate content exploration. Throughout the design process, we conducted in-depth analysis of the target audience and integrated multimedia elements to enhance the magazine's appeal and interactivity.